- Conservative groups protest the Golden Arches (Pioneer Press)
- McDonald's boycott blows into Chicago (OneNewsNow.com)
- Corporate McDonald's hit with two PR headaches (Illinois Review)
AFA Chairman Don Wildmon wrote McDonald’s with a plea to remain neutral in the culture war by removing McDonald’s name and logo from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Web site (where McDonald’s is cited as a corporate partner and organizational ally) and withdraw McDonald’s VP of Communications Richard Ellis’ endorsement from the pro-gay Web site. McDonald’s ignored both requests. To put it politely, McDonald’s has thumbed its nose at the Christian community.
McDonald’s donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress on a wide range of issues related to the gay agenda including gay "marriage". The NGLCC is about much more than commerce. They are a political machine with a mission of radically changing American by redefining the sacred institution of marriage between one man and one woman. The NGLCC is a close ally and partner of the Human Rights Campaign which is the largest political force of the homosexual movement.
In response to the boycott, McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman told the Washington Post that those who oppose homosexuality are motivated by hate, saying that “…hatred has no place in our culture.” McDonald’s has decided to adopt the “hate” theme used by homosexual groups for years.
In the past, my wife and I have enjoyed taking our two young grandsons to McDonald’s where they have enjoyed happy meals and playing on the playground. McDonald’s recent actions have necessitated that we deny their request to eat at the formerly family-friendly McDonald’s restaurants based on the company’s disdain for the teachings of the Bible and people of faith. For the younger grandson, we have had to simply explain that Ronald McDonald has been bad. For the sake of our grandchildren, we implore McDonald’s corporation to stop their attack on people of faith and traditional moral values. As grandparents, we are responsible for protecting our grandchildren. As Christians and Americans, we share responsibility for kind of nation we leave to our grandchildren and their generation. Therefore, we will continue to boycott McDonald's until they stop taking money that we would spend on happy meals for the grandchildren and use it for the destruction of marriage and family.
This boycott isn’t about hiring homosexuals, or homosexuals eating at McDonald’s or how homosexual employees are treated. It is about McDonald’s, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral in the culture war. The company has chosen not to remain neutral but to the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage.
The pro-family groups are here today encouraging families to do these things: sign, print and distribute a Boycott McDonald’s petition at www.boycottmcdonalds.com; and call the local McDonald’s to politely tell the manager you are boycotting the chain until it stops promoting the gay agenda that undermines the God-ordained institution of marriage and family which is the only foundation of a healthy society. Pray for those caught in the trap of homosexuality that they will turn to Jesus Christ for salvation and deliverance. Finally, pray that McDonald's President Andrew McKenna will return his company to being family friendly.
America's children need a mommy and a daddy.
Casey M. “Buddy” Smith, Jr.
Special Assistant to the Chairman and President
American Family Association
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
Phone 662-844-5036
FAX 662-842-7798
URL www.afa.net
E-mail buddy@afa.net
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