Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day celebration reaches 100th anniversary

I honor my mother, Joan Smith: youngest of 2, loving companion to my dad for 60 years this August, now 78 years young. She prayed for me, encouraged me, listened to me, and is a model of “hoping in God.”

I honor my wife, Carol Smith: middle of 3, companion, friend, lover, ministry-partner, mother of 2, grandmother of two, amazing wife.

I honor my daughter, Stacey Fowler: oldest of 2, authentic Christian witness since her conversion at 5, faithful wife to Chip, nurturing mother to Casey Joe and Weston, faithful servant to her local church.

GRAFTON, W.Va. - On this 100th anniversary of Mother's Day, the woman credited with creating one of the worlds most celebrated holidays probably wouldn't be pleased with all the flowers, candy or gifts.

Anna Jarvis would want us to give mothers a white carnation - she felt it signified the purity of a mother's love. Read more of Mother's Day celebration reaches 100th anniversary.

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