Friday, May 18, 2012

Chuck Colson: Champion of Christian Faith

Carol and I were honored to represent AFA/AFR at the funeral service of Chuck Colson at Washington  National Cathedral this week. Dr. Charles Colson was special counsel to President Nixon from 1969 to 1973, a noted evangelical Christian leader, and founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries. He passed away on April 21, 2012.

I first met Mr. Colson in the mid 80's as I attended a week-long training at his headquarters in Reston, Virginia to lead in-prison seminars. At this point in my Christian walk I had already been profoundly mentored by reading a couple of Dr. Colson's books titled "Born Again" and "Loving God."

Read the Christian Post article, Chuck Colson Honored as 'Champion' of Christian Faith at Memorial Service. You can view the memorial service in its entirety here.

I had the honor of greeting Dr. Colson (above photo) at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, DC several years ago and in more recent times working with him on The Manhattan Declaration.

Photos and videos from the funeral service